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Hide Backlinks from Quartz home page

I wanted to hide the Backlinks component from my Quartz home page. I don't need to show them there.

To accomplish this:

  1. In your code editor, browse to the quartz > components > Backlinks.tsx file.
  2. Add the following code, somewhere around line 9.
if (fileData.slug === "index") { // Hide if on the home page  
	return <></>  

Here is a larger snippet from my Backlinks.tsx file, as an example.

function Backlinks({ fileData, allFiles, displayClass }: QuartzComponentProps) {  
const slug = simplifySlug(fileData.slug!)  
const backlinkFiles = allFiles.filter((file) => file.links?.includes(slug))  
if (fileData.slug === "index") { // Hide if on the home page  
	return <></>  
return ()